When working in Molten-Labs, our people will:
- Behave in a way that upholds Molten-Labs’s values and the integrity and good reputation of the organisation;
- Act ethically;
- Act in good faith and for a proper purpose;
- Act in the best interests of Molten-Labs;
- Act with care and diligence;
- Treat everyone with respect and courtesy, recognising social and cultural differences;
- Treat colleagues fairly, equitably and with due consideration;
- Be politically impartial and neutral;
- Perform duties competently and with professionalism, honesty and integrity;
- Be familiar with, and comply with, all applicable laws and regulations and Molten-Labs policies, standards and procedures relating to the position and area of work;
- Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in Molten-Labs who has authority to give such directions; and
- Report all potential breaches of the Code of Conduct, including illegal activities.
Our people must not:
- Make improper use of their position in Molten-Labs to gain, or seek to gain, benefit or advantage for themselves or any other person or organisation;
- Provide false or misleading information;
- Bully, victimise or discriminate against any staff member or Molten-Labs' affiliate; or
- Behave in a way that intimidates, offends, degrades, insults or humiliates another person.
In conducting science, our people will:
- Maintain high standards of research ethics and conduct;
- Uphold the scientific reputation of the organisation;
- Comply with Government regulations related to scientific research;
- Respect human and animal research participants;
- Ensure animals used for scientific purposes are treated humanely and ethically;
- Use the best available science and scientific techniques;
- Apply best available research results from Molten-Labs and other sources to their science;
- Communicate research findings accurately and responsibly;
- Appropriately acknowledge the role of others in research;
- Subject research to impartial, rigorous and formal peer review;
- Properly manage and protect Molten-Labs’s intellectual property and research data and materials;
- Respect and properly manage the intellectual property and research data and materials of others; and
- Alert their manager where research findings might affect Molten-Labs’s position on the subject area.
Our people must not engage in research misconduct, including fabrication or falsification of results, and plagiarism.