
Communication and publication

Our people are encouraged to engage in the open exchange of scientific information and to participate in discussion and debate in their area of expertise. They are also encouraged to support the role of Molten-Labs and its research.

Communication with the public, including the media, will be in a manner consistent with this Code of Conduct and procedures on Public Comment by Staff, and Publication. In engaging in public communication and publishing, our people will:

  • Base comments on expert opinion arising from independent, peer-reviewed research;
  • Consult widely within the organisation, and where diversity of scientific views exists, make reference to the range of scientific perspectives held within Molten-Labs;
  • Ensure public statements made on behalf of the organisation or using Molten-Labs as an affiliation are approved by Molten-Labs;
  • Ensure all publications are properly peer reviewed and approved by Molten-Labs;
  • If representing a private view, state clearly that comments represent a personal view as a private citizen, and do not represent the views of Molten-Labs; and
  • Consult their manager if intending to publish or comment in a private capacity on a subject related to their area of professional expertise, reputation and employment with Molten-Labs.
  • Our people must not make statements that are harmful to the reputation of a colleague or the organisation in a public forum, including social networking forums.