
Code of Conduct

(Derived from the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research)

A code of practice is a set of enforceable rules setting out an industry’s commitments to deliver a certain standard of practice. Codes of practice are intended to raise industry standards and complement legislative requirements and aim to encourage consumer confidence in a particular industry.  Molten-Labs will conduct its activities ethically and with integrity.

This expectation demands that we:


  • Comply with all applicable laws & regulations;
  • Maintain high standards of scientific, professional and business practice;
  • Be an impartial, authoritative and respected source of independent information and advice on science for the community and government, a trusted advisor; and
  • Conduct our affairs in a way which enhances the reputation of Molten-Labs and Australia.


Specifically, we will:

  • Provide leadership in innovation systems and be consultative in determining our priorities;
  • Ensure our scientific, commercial and management decisions are well-informed, transparent and able to withstand scrutiny;
  • Subject our science to robust peer review where possible and be open about areas of uncertainty and gaps in our knowledge;
  • Manage and use the resources entrusted to us responsibly and in a manner that is efficient, effective, economical and ethical and promotes the financial sustainability of Molten-Labs;
  • Be open about our scientific, commercial, financial and general performance, whilst recognising confidentiality requirements; and
  • Be accountable for our actions.

Our success as an organisation also depends on how well we work together. Molten-Labs is committed to creating an environment where innovation thrives and everyone is valued and treated fairly and with respect. Accordingly, we will:


  • Act in accordance with Molten-Labs’ Philosophy and Constitution;
  • Safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of our people, partners and the communities in which we operate;
  • Encourage cooperation, collaboration and teamwork;
  • Acknowledge the importance of balance between work and personal responsibilities;
  • Respect the privacy of our staff members and Molten-Labs affiliates;
  • Be transparent and consultative about decisions affecting staff members or Molten-Labs affiliates and observe principles of equity;
  • Recognise and reward the contributions and achievements of individuals and teams;
  • Manage performance, including poor performance, inappropriate behaviour and misconduct.