
What we do

Bank Note

Our interest in Bank Note is in the development of new overt security features and the detection of covert security features.

Pharma & Medical

We are interested in new medical devices and secure packaging for existing pharma supply lines.

Consumer & Industrial

Our consumer & industrial projects aim to improve manufacturing through innovative science.


Our huimanitarian projects revolve around improving life in sustainable and innovative ways.

Energy & Environment

Our interest in energy is to more cost effectively provide power and reduce greenhouse gases. 

Military & Defence

Our interest is in force protection and low collateral damage munitions.

First time?

Then please read our Philosophy and Constitution.  This will inform someone new to Molten-Labs who we are and why we are.  This is not your standard "mission statement" ... !



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We are hiring!  If you are interested in joining us, as either an employee or a contractor, please check out our hiring page




If you are considering working with us on your next challenge, please feel free to contact us!


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Here is what we make and do.